Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Friends are those who stay beside you no matter how far you fall.

Friends make my life so much better. You guys make me not care so much about HSC. Who cares about love for now, I don't. I just want to enjoy my life for now. Love can come later.

Besides, I still think that at this age, you're surrounded by stupid adolescent teens who can't do the right thing. I was talking to an old friend yesterday. I'll call her MY for now haha...
She admitted she did the wrong things back in her days, hence why she got expelled from two schools. She's now doing HSC courses at TAFE to get into uni to do Nursing. Later I ask her, "Are you a Christian?" She then replies with "Yeah, of course I am! i've always been. It's just that when you're a teen, your attitude fucks up." mmm... case closed about stupid adolescent teens...

For now I'm just going to keep my friends close and not strive for any relationship beyond that. I love many people in my life atm. Kind of like bros and sisters. I'll do anything for them.

Well, I got my eco mark back today... I'm astonished as to how shit I went. 76% and I came 10th... top mark was 92%. Yeah, that's a whole 26% between me and Caryi. GG

EG gave me a nice confidence boost today. Thanks for that ^^

at least for now... my goal of achieveing top 10 for all subjects is becoming a closer target =] which makes me quite happy. I thank the Lord for helping me out. I trust in Him to help me with my exams especially through this hectic period.

Half Yearlies await me this Friday until the day before Easter Friday. So pray for me everyone =] and I wish you all the best.

Remember, cherish your friends. :] they'll save your life.

P.S I agreed with a few other friends to visit Trevor. I really want to meet him again.

O genki desuka,


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