Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1st day of term 3~

well, what can I say... YES YES YES!!!!! I managed top 10 for economics, business studies and 2u maths so far!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
come on, say it with me... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~
but yeah, I'm really happy and I thank God for helping me heaps with it =] ty God <3.
ugh, this terrible grammar is pissing me off. Time to type with perfect sentences, or at least what I think are perfect sentences. haha~
But yeah, other than my academic goals being met... When Viv told me she thought I was a great friend this afternoon, I felt quite flattered, but due to her usual spazzy self I thought otherwise but took it as a friendly gesture. However, just no of Facebook she said that she truly meant it. Gosh, it hit me deep =] I felt so great that I made one person's life so much better. It's very reassuring that I'm setting a good example for God and stuff. And of course, my wonderful apprentice Samo commented with his subtle sentence, "mmmhmmm." Thanks guys, although you're my juniors in highschool, I appreciate how you care for me =] Love you guys heaps. And you guys know I'll do anything for you~ ^^ <3
haha also, when I went by my aunty's place to drop off her luggage, she said that my hair looked extremely nice today. Gosh, today, I'm in seventh heaven. HAHAHA~ good results, good friends and the admiration of my stunning good looks *flexes* HAHAHA jokes. But yeah, great day overall.
Ahhhhhhhh.... =]

O genki desuka,


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