Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the dream~

The holidays are great so far, although my mum still keeps nagging me to study. haha but still, respect your parents. So yeah, I'm currently "studying" == finishing off notes and stuff. Going out tomorrow to Macquarie centre with a different group of friends, should be fun.
Have I ever told you that I'd love to bring you to my world and to show you who I really am? Well, I'd love to. The world is just there to provide masks to anyone who wishes to use them. However, when someone steps into their world, a place where they belong they show their true identity. Don't you find that interesting? How like, when you meet someone in one place they're cool and such but when they step out of their comfort zone they seem a little bit odd? Well, I kind of found that out. You meet someone on the net, then when you meet them in real-life. And even my friends who I met in real-life are different on the net. There are only those few who are consistent. This notion is further emphasised through the HSC, whereby you suddenly notice your friends drifting away from you, and even may not be present in your life anymore. Sad, but true. That's the HSC but just 6 more months and I'm sure everyone will gradually start coming into your life, especially new ones which appeared out of no where! =D exciting, no? Well, the HSC doesn't bother me as much anymore, whatever happens, happens.
Hmmm... at the moment I'm just doing work, just general note making for the upcoming topics. Hooray for headstart?! *hi5* farout, I just want to play games haha... If only my mum didn't nag me to the brink of my own emotional apathy I could still be playing games. Ah well, just 6 more months and hopefully she'll stop nagging me.
well, enough talk, time to work! YAYYYYYYY~~~ T_T
Have a nice day everyone~
O genki desuka,


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