Monday, May 24, 2010

A fleeting dream~

What lies beyond those doors of my dream? Why is there something which purges me before I get to the end? I guess, that's why we consider it a dream, because if we actually attain it, that means it wasn't a dream in the first place. So why is it that I constantly think of you? Could it be a simple crush? ... I don't know, I think I'm still too young to believe I understand the concept of love. I hate school, it's a field of hatred, sadness and broken hearted people. I'll never say I love another person, because it's simply not true, it's only those very few cases whereby the relationship will last. Haha, maybe I'll try to stay single for the rest of my life and resort to gaming, anime and music to pass my time on this earth. Meh~ Life is gay atm haha everything seems so vivid and out of proportion.

O genki desuka,


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