Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I know something your friends don't~

It's been bugging me for ages, but hey, I've never bothered to actually get it out of my system. Everytime I talk to you, I feel a chill travel up my spine. Everytime you post shit on fb, msn etc etc I feel disgusted at your hypocrisy. You can make everyone think you're a goody goody, but the dirt will slowly rise to the top. You think you can change yourself without those small stains on your soul. Yeah, we may have been up to stuff back in the days, but I'm glad they never happened. Then it wouldn't put me at the same state as you right now. I hope you feel hypocritical, even though you post all the religious stuff I hope you know that you can't cover up your tracks with stuff like that. I might not be as religious as I was before, but it was because of people like you that really turned me off. I know we all can't be perfect, but I didn't know how screwed up someone could be. It was only a matter of that, it was a mixture of other things like my rents fighting, school, my best friend leaving school because of the most screwed up reasons and my breakup. I was going through all these things and then I needed to hit a brick wall in my religious beliefs. Now my marks are crumbling and my ranks are falling down. I say screw it all, I don't need any of this shit anymore. I don't need my past life, I want my new life without all these screw ups. So from here on out, I'm deleting people I really don't want to see anymore from my msn and maybe fb when I can be bothered. You were the ones who were holding me back, causing me trouble, causing me heart ache and caused my downfall. My personality and experiences as a human being was my matyr to who I am now. I have left things behind, but now I have new things in front of me, and I'll take them all head on.
great, that was a big load off my back.

O genki desuka,


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