Sunday, February 21, 2010


Goals are aims set by people so that they can see what awaits them after their painful journey to get there. If it's not a painful journey then it's not a very good goal. My goal? haha... it's now 90+ ATAR. Why did I lower it? Because I know I'm not capable of getting 95+.
I'm dumb, let's just say that. ^^

My goal now is 90+... my ranks aren't great at all, although some envy my number. Why does the world always rank people? what does a rank prove, that 1st is better than 2nd? Not really, it proves that they worked harder. But in something such as HSC whereby a syllabus dictates what we do is a clear indication of how our movements are tracked by the Board of Studies to restrict our movements in life. Why do I need integration when I'm wanting to study a commerce degree? freaking stupid system...
Just let me go study what I want to and not restrict me to shitty subjects like english, eco, maths, etc etc etc! It's just plain stupid.

Anywho, my goal now is 90+. Wish me luck~ CIAO!

O genki desuka


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