Tuesday, March 30, 2010

get away from me woman~ stop stressing me out~

Farout, I don't want stress, but a little someone keeps stressing me out. "Your brother never studied like you, he walked around and read his notes," she says. Well guess what, I don't live according to everyone's general tips of learning. I learn differently, alright? Just leave me alone to do my own thing. Don't worry before you know it I'll be out of the house just like my Father, okay? Just stop it! Leave me alone. I always do what you tell me to do, I hardly go out because of you. "No Warren, stay home do work, don't go out with your friends," she nags. Freakin' like, this was also during the years before year 12. She hardly let me out, I was a caged bird waiting to be released. Thank God that's going to happen soon. I don't want this unnecessary stress that's been forced into my arms. I love you guys, but farout, why do you have to effect me with your own personal feelings of rejection, sadness and hatred? I don't deserve this. This is why I didn't do well in my eco test today. I couldn't sleep properly and I woke up to a massive headache and yelling by my mum who was lying in her bed as usual.
Yeah, I wake up every morning to everyone asleep. Until recently, when my brother finally got a job. 'Bout time too. Why can't I get a little bit of sympathy for my tests? You know my study methods, now back off and let me do my thing. Farout~
*sigh* well, at least the test wasn't THAT bad, but it was definately harder than expected. One more to go! Modern History~ hazzuh... Time to start studying for that one, haven't done an ounce of study yet. Totally, hollow on the subject. I hope I don't lose my ranking!!!! Wish me luck ya'll!

O genki desuka,


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