Monday, March 29, 2010

lol at the stressers~

Stress, stress, stress. Why do people stress? It's because they worry that they don't get something that they want. Human's are such selfish beings, aren't they? Always wanting things. You might probably be saying, "Gee... this guy is a freakin' hypocrite, as if you don't stress before an exam!" Yeah, well, I do, but I'm trying my best not to. I don't want stress, neither do I need it, hence why I play games and watch videos to negate the effects of stress. But really, I want to enjoy 6 months 2 weeks and 1 day left with my friends before HSC starts and finishes. I love all my friends, and I always will. They protect me, they're kind to me and they're always there for me.

Exams = BS... It just measures how much you know a particular area, but it doesn't really measure your accomplishment/happiness in life. There's more to it than that.

Anyway, economics test tomorrow, must do a little bit of revision! Jyana~

O genki desuka,


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