Saturday, July 10, 2010

where to?~

Okay so the other day, she finally told me how she felt. I felt so relieved and that in combination with the cold breeze at 2am, made me shiver with such excitement. So we met up again, I held her hand and I hugged her. It felt so right, so right that I just had to tell my mum. My mum was excited to hear it, which I was quite amazed at. Don't know why, but I feel so sure about this. I really don't know why. However, I thought and thought about it, where to from here? Where do we go? I said I might not ask her to be much more than just a friend and stuff, but really, what are we doing that's not couple like? So it's rather complicated at this stage of our relationship.
Also, I met her brother, he's a pretty cool guy, but of course I have yet to meet the rents. But I reckon in time I'll meet them. I told my mum where she works and she said she might pay a visit to the cafe' which she works at. Haha I wonder how that went. I kinda want to meet the rest of your family to see what your world is like, but of course we gotta wait till we can establish our connection. Hehe sorry for pushing my mum to meet you even when I'm not there. I would've gone, but my lil nephews were going to watch a movie, and thus left no room for me to go. So, sorry about that :P but I'm sure you'll handle it well, I think she just wants to see what you look like because my description probably got her excited too. hahahaha~
But yeah, let's see where this takes us. :] hehe

O genki desuka,


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