Friday, March 25, 2011

Hello there blogger~

Wow, haven't been on here since the end of my hsc. Haha, wow. So much has happened since then and now. For now I won't talk about it all in one post, because there's simply too much to type and I've got exams coming up. haha, but hey I think it'll be great to get back into blogging. it'll be interesting to how I thought about different things and how I've changed mentally and physically.
But yeah I'll just summarize about what happened in point form:
- Went to Queensland with my family and my gf's family.
- Felicia goes to Jakarta ep 2 :(:(:(
- Out with the guys
- Got a job :(
- Felicia and me ep 1
- uni starts :<
- Uni is boring ep 1
- Uni is boring: and really gay ep 2
- Felicia and me :] ep 2
So expect those to come up in the near future guys.
Uni is pretty gay, I hate it with a passion haha. I love school so much better. It's more easy going too haha.
Anyway, just to let you know, Felicia and I are still going as strong as ever. Perhaps we're getting stronger as time goes on! so that's heaps good too :] And yes, she's a smelly poopoo haha. :] needs a shower.
Been going to gym for a month and a bit now, I think I'm getting a bit more fit, but more needs to be done I guess haha. rarrr
I miss a lot of my friends. Everyone goes to a different uni and at different times so yeah, I don't have much of a chance to meet them. And I don't want to do shit in my uni exams because some businesses look at GPA.
But yeah, anyway, I'm going to sign off for today. I love my poops :] and if you're someone else reading my blog, nice to see you again, or nice meeting you.

O genki desuka,


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