Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fisherman's Horizon~

I'm still on this boat, waiting for the sun to rise. It's pitch black and the moon is beginning to settle into the horizon. The ripples of the dark waters resonate with the pure white of the moon. The smell of morning became pungent. The coldness of winter stung my nostrils as I began to inhale. With a slow exhale, I play with the 'gas' coming out of my mouth, making an endless stream of the gaseous cloud to polute the air.
I'm still sitting on my fold-out chair. The same one I use every month to come out and watch the horizon. I sit enviously waiting for it. The sun starts to peek its way out of the horizon and the moon still battling to maintain dominance in the sky. The battle for light and darkness becomes a struggling challenge for control. To see light prevail over darkness, is to find comfort in knowing that during times of pitch black tunnels, the dim light at the end of the tunnel is what can motivate us to keep running towards the light - hoping that it'll become stronger one day.
I'm still waiting on the day on every last day of the month, that a fisherman's horizon will appear to me. A horizon that shows the beauty of the sea, the schools of fish, the pods of whales and the sea breeze in my hair. That moment, where the sun peaks from under the horizon to fill up the world in light. To bask in the first flares of the sun's magnificent rays is like feeling refreshed after a hot shower after many days of being out in the wilderness. I can see it. I can see the light funnel itself into my world.  It's moments like these in which we understand how glorious light is; it fills us with a sense of joy to roam the world before the awaited dark enigma.
But, I'm still on this boat, and darkness befalls me, waiting once again for that light.
~ Thus, the Fisherman's Horizon. ~


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